Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

So, I went to Madison for FreakFest this year, which is something I've never done before! And honestly, I probably wouldn't do it again, I didn't enjoy State Street and Madison is stressful. However, I got to hang out with some amazing friends that I haven't been able to really spend time with in a long time, and that part was a blast!
The boys, as followers of the cult of Zoltan!

Me and Shane, my oldest friend! We've known each other since Kindergarten :)
On Sunday, I drove back from Madison with Shane, then immediately got into my own car and ran out to pick up Buddy from his dad's house, and hour away. So, total driving time on Sunday? 5 hours. Lovely.

But then I got to take Buddy trick-or-treating! He went as a mummy, his grandma made his costume and he looked great! We got so many compliments while we were out, it seems like no one takes the time to make costumes any more so ours was appreciated :)

He also got to go trick-or-treating again tonight while his grandma watched him (I had to work), so we have 2 huge buckets full of candy to enjoy! 

Next on the agenda for the week: Buddy's birthday! It's on Thursday, and then this weekend we are taking his twofer Payton and my cousin Korrin to an indoor waterpark for a sleepover/small birthday party! This is all we can handle, after the crazy month we've had there was no way I was going to throw a full blown party.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to things starting to calm down, get more manageable. There have been so many fun things in the last few weeks, but also so much stress that I can't wait to get back into a ruitine in my life!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Family Love

I know I've been complaining a lot recently about how stressed I am, about how taxing my new schedule is and how overworked I am.

I'm not taking that back, I am going a little crazy! But last weekend, though insane, also had some great moments. I wrote earlier about wanting to teach Buddy to ride his bike:
Uncle David tried hard, and it was super cute, but I guess Buddy just wasn't ready. He was NOT excited about trying the 2 wheels once it actually came about, even though he was totally pumped beforehand! But at least I got a cute picture :)

These are from the wedding, I think they look great! The reception was soooo much fun, it was held at the Rothschild Pavilion which has just been remodeled, and it was decorated amazingly. I wish the dance had started a little sooner, since we didn't get out until about 10 pm (and we left early) and we had the baptism in the morning.

Speaking of, check these out!

Buddy checking out the baptismal font, he was really interested in the water! The man in the suit and tie is the pastor, this was after the ceremony.

Mom, Buddy, Dad, and sponsors Aunt Bethany and Uncle David.

Buddy was really excited about the baptism, and even more excited afterwards when he realized he got presents! That was pretty much the highlight of his day, and he hasn't stopped playing with his "Toy Story 3 Dump" since Sunday :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Leaves

These weeks have been busy ones. We went to a wedding yesterday, had Buddy's baptism today...
But not too busy for arts and crafts!
This was a project that I thought would be way easier than it actually was. I wanted to make "stained glass" fall leaves out of tissue paper and cardboard.
Then, it turned out I didn't have any plain cardboard. So I was gonna cut it out of construction paper.
 Then, I realized how hard it was to cut a leaf pattern out of construction paper!

Then, Buddy got bored and started coloring.

Then, we glued on the tissue paper.

 Then, I realized that I needed 2 patterns exactly the same to sandwich the tissue paper, otherwise it was ugly.

Then, we finally finished. It was a pain. But they turned out pretty cool looking!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I originally titled this post "business", then realized that, um, that's actually a word that means something completely different. But hey, now I know how they came up with the word business!

Anyway, I've been EXTREMELY busy the past few days. I just started the new job at the Boys and Girls Club, which is every day after school until 7pm. Plus, I got a call this week to start a work study job at my college, so that's going on also. Add in there school, 2 choirs for me, 1 choir for Buddy...
I basically have no spare time between 8am and 7pm every weeknight. On Wednesdays (choir day) it's even later than that.

As if that wasn't enough, there is another wedding in my family and I had a family member announce to me that she and her significant other were going to stay with me. For 2 nights. Not like she asked or anything, seriously she just told me. Which... I mean... it's fine that they're staying here. It's not fine that they didn't ask. And I'm so crazy busy... I just really wish they weren't.
My house is a mess. I have Buddy's baptism on Sunday. I have no spare time. Ughhhhhhh.

Oh, and did I mention my wallet got stolen this week? Yeah. As if there wasn't enough stress.

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Bike!

So, after months of Buddy riding around on a sparkly purple and neon green bike with a really stylish fanny pack attached to the front (courtesy of my own childhood), we finally got him a new bike. And by we, I mean Grandpa.

It's pretty cool! And now, after about a month with this new bike, the training wheels are coming off! I'm hopefully going to get them off after work (my first day!!) and we'll be able to practice all week. I want him to feel comfortable before it gets to cold to ride anymore, so this spring it won't be an issue.

So, since I actually have no clue how to teach a kid to ride a bike, any tips? Do I really just hold the bike upright and run along-side him and then let go? And is there any other way, since I'm not really a runner? Let me know in the comments!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Here are some pictures from the apple orchard, now that I finally got them uploaded!

He's spitting in his hand to clean off the apple. Thanks Amber, for encouraging spitting!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boys and Girls Club

Just a quick post, letting everyone know that after a month of red tape and paperwork and everything, I finally have been OFFICIALLY offered the job at the Boys and Girls Club! I'll be working after school, about 15 hours a week. This job is perfect for me and I'm hoping to really enjoy my work for the first time in a long time...

Now I just have to figure out what to do with Buddy for all those hours!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Loving the Fall! (Part 2)

This weather has been so amazing. I still can't get over it, it's been weeks of perfect fall weather and Buddy and I have been loving it!

Today we went to Helene's Hilltop Orchard with my awesome friend Amber, and had a pretty good time, considering it was sort of raining, and all the activities Buddy was looking forward to had been cancelled for the week. To make up for it, we made a delicious apple crisp and Buddy got to ride one of Amber's horses.

Those pictures to come once I have the energy to upload them, but for now I'll just leave you with some pictures of Buddy loving fall!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Phoning it in... Again.

Buddy and I did a bunch of fun things today. We went to a birthday party, then hung out with a cousin, and just had a really great day. I still can't get over the weather, it's amazing! Anyway, I forgot my camera, and forgot till almost the end of the birthday party that I have a phone that takes pictures... But part of our day was documented! Enjoy!
Buddy and his friends from school WAY too hyped up on sugar!

Franklin Elementary has a wicked cool playground!

With bench swings to rest on :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just Cuz

I found this on my phone today. I don't have any idea when it's from, looks like maybe sometime this summer? Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lessons Learned

This is what my Buddy has learned at his fancy-pants Montessori school so far :)

He also now wants to help sweep and mop the floor, and fold clothes. They are teaching independence and life-skills, and I guess that leads to Buddy wanting to do chores! We are now talking about a chore list, with a weekly allowance to go with it.
Last night in his sleep he said "Mom, I need to get up and mop!" When I told him that he didn't, he said with huge attitude "Well someone's got to do it!"
Ok, I've been called on it. I haven't mopped since I moved in. Guess I better do that today, huh?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Loving the Fall!

So, for some unexplained reason, Buddy didn't have school today. I think it was just an excuse to get us to pay more for the daycare services, but I decided to take advantage of his "day off" and stay home from school myself!

The weather was beautiful today. Seriously, if I could have one type of weather all year round, it would have been today. High 60's or low 70's, sunny but with a little breeze... beautiful.

We definitely took advantage of our day off! We went to the Eau Claire Dells and played around for a few hours, plus spent some fun time outside, just playing around on bikes and with chalk and such. I got some decent pictures too!

I love this picture. So much. I think I'm getting it framed.

Trying to give his mother a heart attack by standing as close to the edge as possible!