Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bonus Pictures

So, I didn't post these yesterday because they didn't fit with my DIY post. Buddy was really into painting yesterday, and wanted to do it AS SOON as he got out of the bath.

Isn't he cute? He's even cuter from behind:
That's right, my little boy refused to put on clothes since he was SOOO focused on painting! I asked him probably 12 times, and each time I just got a disgusted glare :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

DIY Insanity!

OK, so tonight Buddy went to bed at 7pm, which he totally needed to do since we've had a really busy week and no one has gotten enough sleep. Which led me into a wasted hour on Pinterest, and I somehow decided that it was completely vital for me to make an earring holder IMMEDIATELY!

So, I did.
I used a hideous old picture frame, some paint, modge podge, and tissue paper.

Oh, and also fishnet tights, which I forgot to include in my "before" shot!

So I 'Modge Podge'd the frame of the picture with tissue paper, and also painted the backing from the frame.  I love modge podge, since it's basically impossible to screw up! I didn't really plan out my project before I started making it (I'm too impulsive with crafts, it's a flaw) so I wish I had picked better colors but:

Here is the frame and the backing, crafted with my elementary school skills :)
My camera ran out of batteries in the middle here, and I kinda forgot that my phone could take pictures, so I didn't document the rest of it... but next I cut off a foot from the fishnets, then fed the backing of the frame into the foot. I pulled it up so I could fold the ends over the back, and tucked them into/around those hook things that keep the backing in the frame. Seriously, a picture here would have been awesome... oh well.

Anyway, then I put the backing back into the frame, and hung the thing in my bathroom! I hooked it on one of those 3M sticky hooks, since I don't actually trust myself to pound a nail into a wall unsupervised (my father says he'll teach me one of these days...)

Anyway, I hung the earrings into the fishnets, and now my earrings are all see-able and cute rather than jumbled into a box on a shelf! I'm pretty proud of myself :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Closet, Part Deux!

Check it out! My son's closet is done! And there has been some updating with the paint, and everything looks amazing and I'm so happy!

This is the view from the doorway!
Here you can see it with the window and Buddy's (messy) bookshelf!
And here is everything from the closet that needs to go back in there ASAP, or ... as soon as the paint dries :)

I think it turned out really great! Now I just need to find some removable shelves, or some really easy-to-stack boxes so I can make the best use of the storage space I now have!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Closet!

My landlord is finally finishing my Buddy's closet! He started building a closet in Buddy's room (which used to be just a "bonus room") before we moved in, and worked on it a few times after we were here.

Then, after not hearing from him (except for paying him my rent every month!) since October, he randomly called me on Tuesday! So he came over yesterday and put in doors, then today came over again and took them off to finish up the trim! Anyway, it's not complete quite yet, but hopefully Buddy will soon have a real closet and we'll be able to store toys and things in there rather than in stacks against the walls :)

Other than that, School started this week but it hasn't been TOO bad yet. I've been spending more time with friends, which I thought would be good for me but I'm not sure yet if it helps or just makes me feel resentful. Which is a lame way to feel, because my friends deserve good things, and easy things... and they certainly have their own issues to deal with. Depression/anxiety makes me selfish, I guess.


Speaking of, I feel like I can fight off the depression, but the anxiety is never ending. Today I had a panic attack because I didn't understand a 4-point assignment and only got 2 out of 4 points. That's me being a perfectionist (I calculated that I could only miss 20 points this semester and still be sure of an A) and also me being nuts, because the assignment was about being capable of using the computer program so since I'm obviously not getting it, I can probably just go in to my teacher and get help and get it fixed.

Guys, please help me monitor my levels of crazy. I thought I needed to talk to a Dr. about my depression, but suddenly that seems at least a little more maneagable, it's just the anxiety which is crippling. But how can I be sure that next week they won't flip-flop again?

I swear, this weekend Buddy and I will do fun things. And I will post about fun things. And no rambling about my confused brain.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sorry Guys.

I just don't have anything positive to write about. If I can't shake this in another week or so, I'm hitting up a doctor's office. Especially because I'm entering into the "busy busy busy" mode, where I am working 2 jobs and going to school full time. And I don't want to go into crisis mode in the middle of that.

I feel so lame. So many people are dealing with so much more than me. And yet I can't get off my butt and deal with anything. The simple act of calling my cable company (internet randomly went out yesterday), or shoveling snow, or doing dishes... any normal tasks seem to be almost more than I'm up to. And I have managed so far, but not that well.

Sidenote. Is there anyone around who would maybe like to take a mile-or-two walk around 12:30 or 1pm semi-regularly? Because I'm usually free, and I bet that being outside and using my muscles and talking to someone could only be a good thing. It's only an idea, and I can always take Buddy with, but I would probably like it more if a "grown-up" was around.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Seriously, I'm someone who sets a goal to post every other day. Or, at least 3 times a week. And I have NOT been making that goal.

Which is horrible! Because I have a new camera and everything! But I'm not using it. Or, I am, but not enough. Or, maybe it's just that right now we're not doing too many exciting things...

We're trying to get back into the swing of school. I've tried really hard to get a better schedule for next semester, so I have crammed all my classes into the morning, or taken them online. This way I don't have to pay as much for daycare, and also Buddy gets to be home for a few hours in-between daycare and his ever-changing flow of babysitters.

The only consequence of this schedule is that we now have to wake up an hour earlier to get to school on time. And that's not a HUGE deal, but it's tough because we're used to having a nice calm hour and a half to get ready, and now he either has to wake up earlier (which is hard since he barely gets enough sleep as it is) or he has to sacrifice his morning TV show/lazing around snuggling with momma. And he doesn't like either option.
Buddy at 1:30 this afternoon (he doesn't usually take naps anymore.)
 Honestly, neither do I... especially since there is no way I can get him to bed earlier at night and I always have at least 1 1/2 hours of homework plus now I'm doing more online classes which is gonna be way more work. And usually I don't have a chance to do the homework until after Bud goes to bed, so that means I'm not gonna get enough sleep either.

Ugh. Goodnight everyone. I'm too busy worrying about things that have already happened/things that may never happen to make any sense. Hooray anxiety and depression.

P.S. I started taking Vitamin D about a week ago now, hopefully that will help.
P.P.S. My grandma sent me a sun-lamp, I'm trying it out and it's tough to find time to sit in front of it for an hour or so... but I'm hoping that will help too.
P.P.P.S. I'm worrying that none of it is going to help. Because the worrying has gotten so out of control recently. I think I may need to go back to counseling at the very least, maybe even have a meeting with my Dr.

Damn it. (Excuse the language.)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Busy Burgesses!

So, this weekend I accidentally planned activities for Buddy and I for every single daylight hour. Which was awesome! Also, exhausting. So. Schedule went as follows:
9-10:30 - free carpentry class at the local Kindergarten school. Grandpa came with, and we made... a flag stand? I'm not sure. The pre-made kits were from Home Depot, which was awesomely nice, but the kits were kinda cheap and easy. We finished early and played in the gym there for a while.

10:30-11:30 - open house at the Wausau Conservatory of Music. Buddy took a beginner piano class from my old teacher, got to fool around on African drums, and was fascinated by some flutes and violins.

11:30- 12:30 - out to lunch with Grandpa at the Mint

12:30- 2:30 - sledding with our friends!
2:30 - NEXT DAY - sleepover at his friends house!

9:30 - picked up from friends, came home and lazed around for a bit.

12:30 - took pictures of my mom and her new boyfriend for some play they are in, then ate lunch there

2:30 - got home, Buddy took an epic nap, I edited the pictures.

4:00 - went to go watch Buddy's friend play hockey!

Anyway, crazy busy, crazy fun, crazy exhausting. One more week until I go back to school!

Buddy and Grandpa building the flag stand!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Buddy the Photographer

Buddy got a camera for Xmas too, and he would like to share his favorite pictures with you!

"I took this with my new camera!"

"I took this with my camera too. Look, I'm a cowboy!"

"This is my friend Sawyer. From school."

"I told mom to rock out!"

"This is my friend Alexandra. At school."

"These are most of my friends from school!"

Monday, January 9, 2012

You know what happens when you're lonely and depressed and your only social interaction (even if it's your child) goes away? You sleep. A lot. And other than that you do dishes. But not laundry, or any real cleaning (sweeping, mopping, my nightmare bedroom) because that might take work. And that would be bad.

So sorry for no posts since my depressing one last week. Tomorrow I've been "contracted" to take pictures of my mom and her boyfriend for some play thing they made up and are trying to get hired to perform, which I guess is fine.

It bugs me that I'm feeling cruddy, because I want my son to go hang out with his dad. I suggest it constantly! And obviously, it's not his job to entertain me. And obviously, I want my time alone. But it turns out I only want about a day and a half alone, and then my baby should come home or I feel yucky.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Depression is a Cunning Bastard.

Excuse my language. But I'm pissed. Or I would be, if I could gather the energy to get off the couch and stomp around.
I've battled depression for years. And I've been on and off meds more times than I can remember. I've never stayed off them this long though, and I thought I was finally "cured"! Back in November, I started to warn myself that winter was coming. And with winter comes less sun/daylight, less outside time, more stress... a recipe for disaster in my books. I warned myself to be careful, and tried to take preventative measures like keeping up with the house (if it's messy, it usually means the inside of my head is messy) and making sure not to overschedule myself.
I thought I had done pretty well. Until I realized that I was sleeping 12 hours out of the day, crying into the refrigerator, and sitting on the couch moping whenever I wasn't out in public putting on my "I'm fine!" act.

Anyway, I am refusing to go back on meds. I know what I'm dealing with, and I think I can conquer it without  substances!
But: has anyone tried vitamin D or other natural supplements that might help? Does anyone have a grow light that helps them? I'd like to help myself out a little, give myself a fighting chance. Any advice?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years!

Honestly guys, I was NOT excited for New Years. I really just wanted to lay around and watch movies in my pajamas!
But my friend wanted to get out of her house, and Buddy was excited, so I sucked it up and tried to have a good time. And I think we succeeded, especially considering we decided what to do pretty much on the fly.

So, what we did:

In bubble letters it says "Happy New Years"

We made placemats while we were waiting for our dinner to be ready :)

We cooked some delicious chicken, potatoes, and broccoli (not too interesting, but we wanted to be sure Buddy would eat!) And there was pudding made specially by Buddy for dessert.

Lastly, there was sparking grape juice and "grown up" grape juice while we watched the ball drop. Which we did on the computer, at about 9:45, since Buddy was tired and so were we!

Anyway, it was a fun, chill New Years. I really enjoy these type of nights best now, I feel like a boring old person but I really wouldn't have wanted to go out to a crazy club tonight, I liked just being with people I enjoy and having a good time much more.