Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post Holiday Haze

I'm just gonna admit it, guys. This year, I was not looking forward to Christmas. It was a bunch of little things, really.
1) I hate that damn Elf on the Shelf more than anything else in the entire world! If I wake up in a cold sweat at 3am one more time, just to stumble blearily around the house trying to find something clever to do with him I'll... well, do nothing. Because Buddy is still amazed by him, even though his friends are a little more world wise and have started to mention to him that gosh his elf just looks like a doll.
The elf on a tire swing

2) I hate shopping. Especially when I don't have much $, so I feel obligated to somehow find a creative lovely gift for under $20, instead of just being able to buy things that are on (increasingly more expensive) Christmas lists.
Ninja Buddy with his new K'nex

3) I hate planning for all my family obligations. This year I did my mom's house and my dad's house on Christmas Eve, then my mom's family on Christmas day and shipped Buddy off to his dad's for the rest of the day. Which actually is a lot less than I've had some years, but the simple act of making the plans is so stressful... and of course no one can ever plan anything in advance. I was seriously still up in the air as to what was happening when until the 23rd, which means days 10-23 of December were just full of worry as I called family over and over, asking about plans.

I'm a whiner, I know. It's just been a frustrating holiday season. Buddy got back from spending the weekend with his dad's family and is just in a beast of a mood, exhausted and over-stimulated and mean. But I haven't gotten to actually spend enjoyable time with him yet this break, so I'm desperate to cram one more activity into his time... and if I didn't, then he would just be cranky and mean at home.

Uncle Dave teasing a cranky Buddy
Tonight is New Year's Eve. I'm refusing to make any plans. I guess my resolution for this next year is to manage my stress better, to notice the things that are making me feel overwhelmed and angry and either find a way to make them work or just let them go. This applies to people as well, there are some people in my life that I spend a great deal of time thinking and planning and worrying about, and there is absolutely no point. I don't want to be frustrated and crabby all the time anymore. I want to enjoy the activities that I am involved in, not just go because I feel obligated. This is my resolution.

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