Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Vacation

You guys, I forgot that summer vacation isn't idyllic! I dream of summer all winter long, then it gets here and I find myself stressed and crazy.

This year, a lot of it is about Shiloh. Our schedule last school year was so insane, we were running around from 7 am to 8 pm almost every day. Shiloh was at a different babysitter's almost every day of the week, so he was constantly playing with new friends or doing different cool activities. Although this wasn't ideal, it worked for us and I was ok with it, just dreaming of summer when we would have tons more free time and be able to relax and have fun together.

Well, he doesn't know how to relax! He has been so scheduled constantly that he literally cannot figure out how to go play with his toys for an hour, or ride his bike around the block, or anything that isn't a planned activity. For the first few weeks this was HORRIBLE, but we've started to figure it out now.

Our new agreement is that I will plan 1 fun thing per day, be it a picnic, a long bike ride, a trip to the library/pool/museum etc. But other than that, he needs to entertain himself! I of course will be around to read with him sometimes, or help him draw a city out of chalk in our driveway, or whatever. But he is expected to fill in the time without constantly asking for me to play, or saying "I'm booooreddddd..." etc.

I know all parents struggle with this each summer, but this one has been way worse than any others that I can remember!

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