Sunday, December 11, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

So, even though Buddy's dad and I aren't together, his family and I are pretty close still. And I got some messages from Buddy's Aunt Bethany, who found this great, sort of interactive Christmas story called "The Elf on the Shelf". It is a story about an elf who is your friend for the weeks leading up to Christmas, and he goes and tells Santa every night if you were good or bad. It comes with an elf doll, that is supposed to be moved every night while the child is asleep so he looks like he has gone to the North Pole and back! Then, Grandma Lynn surprised me with the whole set when she came to get Buddy for the weekend at his dad's.

Anyway, Buddy just got home from his dad's to find this in his room:
Notice his rock collection, it's always growing and changing!
He was so stunned he didn't even know what to say! He wasn't sure if he was supposed to see it, or if he was supposed to wait for something, couldn't decide whether to get in and see or hang back for directions!
"Mom, is it OK? Can I check it out?"
We  read the story, Buddy named his elf "Fuzzy" and is really excited about it! My curious boy has asked about a thousand questions about the elf, has been running to tell Fuzzy things all night, and I caught him telling Fuzzy what he wanted for Christmas!

Anyway, thanks Aunt Bethany for the awesome idea, and thanks Grandma Lynn for getting this for us! We're having lots of fun with it!


  1. Fuzzy is a great name, we still haven't named ours yet. We are hoping by next Christmas Sophie is old enough to understand the elf situation. It's awesome to see Buddy so excited. Have a great week!

  2. I am so glad he likes it! I can't wait until I find Sophie talking to the elf in a couple of years! Hopefully it will help him be good until Christmas :-)

  3. Added plus that I didn't mention... I told Buddy that Fuzzy will only visit clean rooms, so if he leaves his toys out or makes a mess in the living room or bathroom, Fuzzy won't be able to be there!
    Hooray for cleaning bribery, you should have seen him put away his clothes, toys, and toothbrush :)
