Monday, October 17, 2011

New Bike!

So, after months of Buddy riding around on a sparkly purple and neon green bike with a really stylish fanny pack attached to the front (courtesy of my own childhood), we finally got him a new bike. And by we, I mean Grandpa.

It's pretty cool! And now, after about a month with this new bike, the training wheels are coming off! I'm hopefully going to get them off after work (my first day!!) and we'll be able to practice all week. I want him to feel comfortable before it gets to cold to ride anymore, so this spring it won't be an issue.

So, since I actually have no clue how to teach a kid to ride a bike, any tips? Do I really just hold the bike upright and run along-side him and then let go? And is there any other way, since I'm not really a runner? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Wait till your brother comes home this weekend!!! except then you lose out on a whole week of practice
