Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shadows on the Wall

As usual, it was a lazy Sunday around these parts. And lazy days are always the days I can get Buddy interested in crafts, so we worked on a really cool one today!

This idea, as usual, was found online, though obviously the idea of paper silhouettes is a pretty common one. But to tie-dye the paper with markers and coffee filters was definitely a new spin!

Anyway, first I used a really bright lamp to help me trace the shadow of Buddy's profile. It took me a few tries to get right, so the paper got a little bit wrecked, but since I knew we'd be cutting it out eventually I didn't care.

Next we colored coffee filters with markers and then placed them on the profile, spraying them with water to transfer the colors. (Just a warning, I had to pre-select Buddy's colors for him. Otherwise he has a habit of using only black and brown and it wouldn't have been pretty.)

Once it seemed like the colors had successfully bled out of the coffee filters and onto the paper, we removed the coffee filters. It took about 10 minutes for the colors to bleed this well.

Finally I just cut out the profile, put it on some black paper for contrast, and wrote his name in the corner with some of the extra tie-dyed paper.

Oh, in case you didn't know, Buddy's real name is Shiloh. Guess the secret's out!

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