Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Summer!

I'm finished with finals, I'm almost done training at work, and now I get to just sit back and enjoy the fruits of all my hard work!

Oh wait. I didn't get in to UWSP. Well, I'm sure something will work out for me. Possibly begging and pleading with the admissions director? Otherwise, I'm thinking I'll go to the Tech next fall and finish up some Early Childhood classes, so that while I'm in school (hopefully, Stevens Point has to let me in eventually) I will be able to work a daycare job again and I won't feel like I'm slowly committing suicide at my place of employment.

Anyway, all bitching aside I'm really looking forward to this summer. My work schedule is amazing so I won't have to put Buddy into daycare at all, and I have a lot of fun ideas for what we're going to do this summer. (SPOILER: next week, it involves the zoo!) So even though today is rainy, my last final didn't go very well, and I have no idea what I'm doing next year, I'm pretty satisfied.

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